Support HMANA

Supporting HMANA is easy and rewarding

HMANA is the only organization that collects, analyzes, and publishes hawk migration data from hundreds of hawk watch sites on a continental scale. Results are published in the biannual journal Hawk Migration Studies (HMS).

Supporters provide the foundation for HMANA’s research projects, including Raptor Population Index (RPI), the database, and education initiatives. Support from hawk watchers like you is essential to HMANA’s operations and promoting and sustaining an appreciation of raptor migration!

No matter the area of focus, all supporters are entitled to free digital access to the biannual Hawk Migration Studies published on our site. Print subscriptions are available for an additional fee.

Sustaining Annual Supporters

Sustaining Monthly Supporters

Single-occurrence Donations

We encourage you to support us online or mail a check, payable to HMANA:

Hawk Migration Association of North America

PO Box 182316

Shelby Township, MI 48318


All or part of your gift may be tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. Would you please check with your tax advisor?

© Jerry Ligouri


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